Coping And Living With Hepatitis C

By William Young

There are some illnesses that generally do not go away that easily and simply need to be managed over time so that one does not get bothered by the symptoms, which is sometimes the case for the condition known as hepatitis C. While living with hepatitis C may damage the liver in the long run, there are ways to manage it and at times even cure it. For those who have it, here are a few things to know about dealing with it.

Just to give a very short background, this disease is actually the most prevalent in baby boomers although it does happen among Gen X and Gen Y people too. It is also known as HCV and is a disease that does not show symptoms until much later in life. For that very reason, many people actually do not know if they have the disease or not.

Take note that it is a disease that can pretty much easily be spread by sharing medical equipment, hygiene tools, and other things that enter the body. When contracted, one may either have an acute type which is the type that can be cured after six months or so. One may also have the chronic one which does not leave the body until years later and may result in complications like liver failure.

Of course, there are treatment methods that are available for this type of disease. The only challenge would be tracking down which HCV type one contracted as there are a number of them to go through. However, doctors have stated that the most common type is the type one HCV followed by the type four HCV.

When one has already contracted the virus, then doctors must immediately administer some medicines to try to cure it. If it is the acute type, then medicines like Ledipasvir, Glecaprevier, and Elbasvir may cure it in six months. These medicines are by far quite effective and have very little side effects.

Now, things may get a little more complicated if one has chronic HCV because curing can be harder but possible nevertheless. If one does have chronic HCV, then a lifestyle change is needed along with taking the medicines. The first thing that has to be done is to constantly monitor the state of the liver.

One will be working very closely with his or her doctor in monitoring the liver, making sure that the complications do not arise. While doing that, one will now have to eat a healthier diet of more fruits, more vegetables, and more lean meat. Also, one may have to completely stop taking alcohol and cigarettes for the time being.

As mentioned above, one should take management medicines while changing his or her lifestyle. It does help if one takes supplements that support the liver and keep it strong. All these are important to take note of if one has HCV. As long as one follows these tips given above, then it is possible to manage or even cure the dreaded disease.

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