Once Upon A Life Of A Golden Retriever

By Carol Fox

This domesticated creature is known to be mans best friend and perhaps it really is. Pets are now recognized as extended family members. More than just guarding the home and hearth and often times serving as a sort natural early warning device, this animal is very loyal to its master. Like humans, it belongs to the animal kingdom and is classified as a mammal. There are different breeds of dogs and if you are interested in having a special one, visit Yellow English Labrador Breeders.

In olden times people learned how to domesticate wild creatures. It started with the domestication of animals that were not afraid of mans presence. To this end, humans tamed animals that became beasts of burden like the ox which dragged carts, carried heavy loads, and was the primary puller of the plowshare. This is clearly recorded in cave etchings and paintings.

One important milestone in human history is the domestication of wild creatures. This bought about the increase in available food resources. As man tamed such animals as the goat, the cow, and the sheep, provisions for the growing population increased exponentially. These are all well documented in ancient texts as can be found in folklore and religious recounting.

There really is no historical record as to when dogs were tamed or how they earned their keep in a mans life. Folklore tells of a story that it began when a wild dog that was injured was left by its pack. The creature which was still very much alive found its way near the shack of a man. Taking a pity on the state the creature was in, the man fed it and nursed it back to health and since then the bond between dog and man has never been so solid.

The origins of the breed. The golden retriever is one of the most popular breeds. In earlier times it was known as Saint Johns dog. The popular name Labrador was coined in the British Isles in the late nineteenth century. It was also around this time that the first ochre colored one was born and recorded.

This animal is just of medium build and size. It definitely is very well equipped with a keen sense of sight and smell and very swift at that. It possesses a high degree of intelligence and has the capacity to be trained to obey human commands. This combination of beauty and efficiency has endeared it to hunting enthusiasts. It is very common to these dogs to be utilized by the police department and military establishment as drug and contraband sniffers.

This breed is known to be fun loving, pleasant, playful, and possesses a very even temperament. It likes to romp at almost anything, both living and inanimate objects. It has an almost weird penchant for retrieving things that are thrown and seems to relish bring it back to the person who threw the object. Because of its hyper activeness, it is recommended by the trainer to have them leashed up while still young.

The life of a dog is bound to humans, that is in the modern setting. These creatures have been a boon to mankind in more ways than one. It really is bound by human activity. It eats, sleep, have fun just like their human owners do. So close have they become to humans that it really is now very common for owners to bring to the veterinarian in times of sickness.

Humans do have an affinity with dogs. They have become part of human life and activity. Some may cost much to acquire. Caring for it is like looking after a member of the family. They are known to even grieve at the loss of a family member, taking no food for many days. There stories that some even stay at the graveyard of their master for months seemingly wanting to go with the departed owner.

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