Importance Of Taking Fava Beans

By Brenda Cox

Humans have grown These crops since the ancient times of early civilization. They grow quickly and mostly as cover crops. This is because they are nitrogen fixers which is their natural ability since they are legumes. The difference between fava beans and other beans is that they can thrive even in severe environmental stress such cold spell or the hypertonic environment.

Young leaves are usually very delicious and easy to harvest when still growing. The pot herbs can be made from the immature pods. The outer cover is removed by boiling them or sometimes after they are removed from the pods they can be fried to give them a crunchy texture.

They have immense health benefits to humans as they are rich in plant protein and vitamins such as vitamin k and B6 which are essential for growth and development of humans. It also contains substances such as folic acid which enhances the metabolic activities of the body leading to high energy production. They also play a role in the proper function of the immune system and blood.

Broad grain has been known to be very important in the diet of a pregnant woman. Mostly this is usually associated with the reduction of the risks of congenital disabilities. This is due to the abundant folate content in them. Consumption of these gains during the first few week of pregnancy when the fetus is developing is the best time.

Horse beans are also rich in manganese which helps in increasing the mass of the bone. Manganese is also essential in reducing calcium deficiency in the body thus leading to the formation of strong bones. This can be used to prevent a disease such as osteoporosis if consumed with other beneficial elements such as zinc and copper.

This type of grain also has magnesium which is deficient in many people and very important for the health of a heart. Magnesium can lower the blood pressure thus eliminating the chances of hypertension and the risk of other heart diseases. Consumption of the horse grains alongside other magnesium supplements, fruits and vegetables may prevent cardiac diseases.

For the body to respond to the diseases, it needs a strong immune system. These grains are rich in copper which keeps the health of the blood cells in check. They boost the activities of the leucocytes as they destroy the free radicles that may cause the formation of tumors and cancer cells. These can be supplemented in the diet since the body produces very little of it. Other health benefits include prevention and control of diseases such as Parkinson disease.

They have also been associated with detrimental effects on some consumers. This is because some people are under certain medications that do not allow them to eat broad beans. There is also the genetic predisposition of some people or have the certain genetic deficiency. This may result in favism which is a condition associated with consumption of fava grains. It is characterized by destruction of blood cells at a higher rate leading to hemolytic anemia.

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