Effects Of Global Mobility Immigration Bay Area

By George Carter

Different people desire to stay in different places of the world. There is something unique they find in those places they desire to live in. Most of them include that they see many business opportunities which make them to have global mobility immigration Bay area because they want to utilize them properly. If they are very good at exploiting them, they can make good amount of money from it.

There are some effects that the host country do experience. Some of them are positive and others are negative. Some of them may include that they promote the tourism of that country. The people will have a lot of tourists who come to their place to visit various areas. The tourists promote the economy of the state because pay a certain fee for them to tour that country.

Some people do not have good cultural morals and values. When they come into a certain country, the foreigners are going to teach the people who live there their bad morals. This will affect the country because they will leave their culture and follow the new culture taught to them. They may never get back to their original morals because they were made to understand that foreign culture is the best.

It will also challenge the local people to be very hardworking. This will happen when foreign people start to to be employed in that country. The people who lives in it will feel bad and they will go back to school to attain the required skills. When they become competent, they will be employed in their local industries and make good money out of it.

Immigrants may be able to secure new jobs in their new country. This will replace the people who have retired and others who left their job. Each job will have a person who is attending to it. Hence, the people will earn some income from a new country which they shall use to facilitate themselves when they are there. They will not lack any basic commodity they may require because they will have the funds to buy it.

There might also be some drug trafficking which may take place. The illegal drugs that are not allowed by the law may be entered into a country. This will occur when there is some sort of corruption which is going to take place. There might be greedy security officers who may not mind the lives of the people they are protecting. If they get money, the life of other people is a non issue to them.

Great ideas are also brought by the people who visit a certain nation. If that country adds value to the idea given to them, they will be far much ahead of other countries. They can come up with new jobs that will assist the jobless people to secure one. They shall have a place where they can be going to look for money to sustain them.

Security may also become a threat to the host country. This is because the security agencies do not know the kind of people they are receiving in their country. They are required to be very alert and if they observe anything that is a security threat to them, they should depot them to their countries.

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