Get To Know More Concerning Colonoscopy Morrilton AR

By Debra Fox

Essentially, doctors in examining the colon or large intestines rely depend on colonoscopy tests. Such tests utilize thin and flexible tubes referred to as a colonoscope. Using a Colonoscopy Morrilton AR, the physician can establish if a patient has ulcers, tumors, bleeding, colon polyps or inflammations. In carrying out the test, samples termed as biopsy are collected together with the removal of any abnormal growths. This test could as well be applied in colon or rectum cancer screening.

The colonoscope is normally a thin, flexible tube that ranges from 48 to 72 inches in length. A video is usually attached during this test so that the doctor can take pictures or a video of the colon. This test equipment can also be used to view the whole colon and the lower parts of the small intestine.

Before the test, the patient will need to clean out his or her colon what is known as colon prep. The colon prep may take between 1-2 days depending on the kind of prep recommended by your doctor. Sometimes, the prep may be taken an evening prior to the test. For many patients, the prep appears to be worse compared to the procedure itself. The bowel prep is usually uncomfortable and the patient feels hungry because of the liquid diet.

Among other various tests, a colonoscopy test is generally used in screening for cancer of the colon. Your physician may apply other methodologies including the sigmoidoscopy, stool test or computed tomographic colonography. The kind of tests applied in a screening event is reliant on the risks, patient preferences as well as the recommendations by the physician. Consequently, it is imperative to know from your physician any probable risks as well as an appropriate procedure for your situation.

The test may be carried out for different reasons. Usually, the test is performed examine the possible cause of habit change of the bowel, stool with blood, abnormal pain, diarrhea and abnormalities found after a CT scan or a colonic x-ray. For people with a history or family history of cancer of the colon or colonic problems linked to the cancer of colon are advised to have this test more often because their risk of polyps or colon cancer is higher.

The exam normally takes around 30 minutes to complete. Your doctor may give you some medicines to help you sleep and relax during the test. You might also need someone to take you home after the procedure. At the same time, the physician determines how often an individual need to have this test. Normally, it is recommended once after 10 years not unless a person has a higher risk of polyps or colon cancer.

In some individuals, the test causes more discomforts even though others experience no pain. The examination also entails pumping air to colon to clean and open it so that the physician can get better pictures.

Just like other medical tests, this test also carries some risks of complications. The complications may be serious but rare. Such complications are such as bleeding and puncturing the colon. You should, therefore, beware of what to expect with the procedure.

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